Free as the Wind (ArtPrize 2024)
Ian Deatrick: Project Lead, 2D & 3D Artist
Neil Deatrick : Programmer, Level Designer
Artist Statement
This interactive 3D visual experience uses video game engine software (Unreal), computer graphics software (Blender, Photoshop, Substance Painter, and more), and Arduino software & hardware. In “Free as the Wind,” one of nature’s most powerful forces – the Wind – is personified by a group of butterflies, known as a kaleidoscope. Viewers use handheld fans and wind sensors to control the Wind, causing the butterflies to change their path and pace. Moving as “free as the wind,” the kaleidoscope’s direction and speed are determined by real-time wind data. While interacting with this work, viewers are encouraged to consider the boundaries of autonomy. Each of us has our own unique flight, yet we are all guided by the winds of change and elements beyond our control. To what extent is our own personal journey freely chosen? We also were intrigued with creating an interactive visual experience that used a non-traditional controller.
Welcome to Blackmire (WIP)
Alexander Lahti : Environment Artist and Character Modeler
Ke Li : Assistant 2D Artist
Kieran Alexander : Game Designer / Scriptor and Producer
Neil Deatrick : Level and Narrative Designer
Taylore Hopkins : Lead Character & Asset Artist
Welcome to Blackmire is a moody, 3D, 3rd-person, puzzle game, made in Unreal Engine 5, where the player interacts with the environment to avoid an infectious substance (stay alive!) while progressing to further levels. The player assumes the role of Brook whose goal is to reach the Blackmire Building - a pharmaceutical company their parents worked at before the fall of civilization. Supposedly it is connected to the origins of this deadly outbreak and may provide answers on how to stop it. Advance the player path by creating solutions to navigate the corroded terrain and the dangers that lay awaiting inside the Blackmire Building.
Sigil's Secret Menu
Produced by Dying Sun Games
Writers : Chase Call, Cher Davis, Clay Powell, Denise “Celticdenefew” Atwood, James Quigley, Julia Kartes-Jagolkowska, Kimi “Kiwi” Williams, Morgan Eilish, Neil Deatrick, Robyn“BitBirdy” Choi, Tomas Gimenez Rioja
Artists : Bridget Deatrick, Cher Davis, Julia Kartes-Jagolkowska, Laura Galli, Marion Kartes, Morgan Eilish, Taz
Find it here!
Sigil's Secret Menu is a magic item collection and companion book to Sigil and the Outlands. This book expands upon the content provided in Sigil and the Outlands with the addition of "the Secret Menu", a union of street food vendors and exclusive magic item store set within Sigil's Hive Ward.
This book contains:
- 32 magic items, 2 themed for every Outer Plane of the Great Wheel Cosmology.
- 6 unique street food vendors, each with their own food menus, backgrounds, and activities.
- An exclusive dealer's hall with rules for gaining VIP access, purchasing magical items, and hall security.
Fill your campaigns with a cornucopia of unique magic items from the voices of 11 creative writers.
The Spaghetti Knight
Neil Deatrick : Designer, Scriptor, Combat Artist
Made in AAU MA Program - Solo Project
Environment Artwork provided by Kenny Games
Audio Provided by: silverillusionist, littlerobotsoundfactory, eponn, and rokzroom on
The Spaghetti Knight is a 2D top-down adventure, turn-based combat, RPG, made in Unity, where the player plays as the fabled Spaghetti Knight, traveling the world collecting rare ingredients, always trying to create the best spaghetti dish to enjoy. The knight has entered a particularly dangerous dungeon to collect ingredients from the three guardians: The Garden Dragon, the Cheese Hag, and the Butcher Troll. Navigate through the dungeon, defeating enemies along the way to increase your level, and collect your ingredients to make the ultimate spaghetti dish!
Expedition: Land of Adventure
Neil Deatrick : Designer and Writer
Bridget Deatrick : Artist
Expedition: Land of Adventure is a competitive map building exploration board game, where you play as an intrepid adventurer seeking wonders, riches, and thrills! In this game, you must push past the competition while braving the dangers of the wilderness to be the first to discover ancient landmarks and reveal their secrets. Be sure to keep your wits sharp, and your supplies close as you learn there is far more to these mysterious lands than one may initially believe!